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pix juniper treatment in turkey


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I had a psoriasis patient and from (tr)turkey 27 years old male. i had tried a lot of therapies but cause negative results. but at the moment i am not a patient via juniper theraphy (special method). juniper theraphy which known by only many old persons who live in rodop mountains (located in bulgaria and greece) i learned from them and I have got required information for make drug. i believe and claim that this special theraphy will be best solution for psoriasis in the future. i saw all the patients who use this theraphy, they are all ok...with without over again. For take further information concat me via email cancelled@cancelled.can

edited by Admin-Team: Please let's better discuss your offer online, as there will be much more benefit for everybody...

Erfahrungen austauschen über das Leben mit Schuppenflechte und Psoriasis arthritis

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Juniper heißt im deutschsprachigen Raum schlicht und ergreifend Wacholder. :(

Der Teer davon wurde offenbar lange Zeit verwendet. Heute darf Wacholder-Teer in den USA nicht mehr "over the counter" abgegeben werden - also in den medizinischen Produkten, die es in "Drogerien" in den USA gibt. Die US-Behörde für die Zulassung von Arzneien - die FDA - hat das schon 1990 verfügt.




Wie es mit dem restlichen Extrakt aussieht - mal sehen.

Über Wacholder (Juniper) informiert diese Seite hier:


Kommen wir zu deutschsprachigen Informationen.

Hier wird etwas über die Heilwirkung von Wacholder auf diese und jene Beschwerden erzählt:


Auch der Hautarzt Dr. Bresser aus München erwähnt die Wirkung von Wacholder:


Man muss also nicht weit reisen, um etwas über "Juniper" zu erfahren :(

Vielleicht kann uns ja Paddler-Klaus etwas über Wacholder berichten? Er ist ja hier unser Kräuter- und Pflanzen-Experte.


Hi Pomak35,

as we are an openminded forum with very interested members, we would like to know more about your "special therapy". There's absolutely no need to keep it as a "magic herbal secret", isn't it ? :(

Therefore there's no need to contact you via eMail as well.

If you have a clear conscience (and not only commercial interests) please feel free to tell us more about your mixture.

Otherwise please keep in mind, that commercial offers are prohibited in this forum.

Best Regards,


sorry but you have to know this point i havent got any commericial aim so my intend is giving useful info to patients because i had a psoriasis patient !!! According to me this solution is better than others so i can easily say that i used every theraphy which are valid at least known by public. result=negative or temporal. in fact i cant describe how can u make this drug because it tooks 20 pages in forum! Thats my opinion dear greeky.



Hosgeldiniz to our german community, pomak35...

Thats really no problem at all.. We are always interested in any help to fight against our psoriasis...

Please feel free to send me all kind of information, which might be a possible solution.

We will really discuss all possible methods... You can reach me at: greeky [at] psoriasis-netz.de .

But it would be a good chance for you to give us a rough overview about your juniper-therapy... And to confirm that you are not a commercial poster you could meanwhile just give some more (even reduced) infos to the public audience... :(

Please also respect our natural doubts, when some unknown people suddenly come up just to present a new "wonder cure" against psoriasis!

Nothing against you, but there are much too much spammers around, who just want to get our best... our money... :)

Feel free to persuade us just to have a human conviction and an effective solution as well ... :(

Additon: I'm really interested how you found us and what's your own profession ? Have you ever been suffered by psoriasis yourself or whereelse did you get your experience to treat with psoriasis?

Best regards,



Für die Haut gibt es eigentlich nur das Teer als Heilprodukt in Fragen der Psoriasis. Naturteere werden heute nicht mehr eingesetzt. Dies gilt für Birken-, Buchen- oder eben Wachholderteer, die früher verschrieben worden sind. Hier gilt dann das Krebsrisiko.

Neben dem Teer wurden auch die Wacholderbeeren naturheilkundlich eingesetzt. Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt bei Magen-Darm-Beschwerden. Nur Hippokrates hat sie zur Wundbehandlung eingesetzt, Hildegard von Bingen nennt diese Behandlung nicht.

Wichtig ist, das die Wacholderbeeren nicht gerade unbedenklich sind. Kein Einsatz bei Schwangerschaft und Daueranwendungen können zu Nierenschäden führen.

Gruß Klaus


Hi Klaus,

Danke für deinen Beitrag. Sehr informativ.

anscheinend bist du ja ein echter Pflanzenspezialist.

Fände ich spannend ein bischen mehr davon zu erfahren.

zwar hat sich meine Haut seit dem Bbeginn meiner

Schwangerschaft deutlich gebessert. Aber falls das nicht

anhalten sollte, was könnte ich dann tun?

Liebe Grüße



Juniperus Communis

Pinen: %93.80

β-pin/sabinen: %1.39

β-mirsen: %2.32

Gama terpinen: %0.59

Terpineol Asetat: %0.85

Chemical formula of this drug (at least main factor)

Meanwhile my profession is economics so i had graduated from economy section of university than im not a seller not a broker only an ex-patient .

всеки za човечество!!! everything for humanity!!! her sey insanlik icin!!! :(

bulgarian, english and turkish responses are available ....


Alright, Pomak35...

Thanks a lot to publish the ingredients of your medicine...

So, let's just talk clear speech now...

You told, that you're not a kind of doctor and even not a kind of powerseller and you are just an economist with experiences to treat with psoriasis...

But nevertheless you like to promise that you've found a spectular new way to solve the psoriasis...

As you told us, you have also been a victim of this complaint.

I'm very interested to know, what your suffers were, how long you've been affected with it and how you've found out, that your juniper therapy did help.

And no, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not only sceptical, but also very curious to know much more about your method...

O.k. by now, just let us also talk about prices now, as nobody will care about the Pso for free...

Please, just feel free to report our community some more details about your juniper experience...

In the past, some serious dealers sent some of their products as a free trial to the psoriasis-network, just to test them and to convince and persuade the people... Maybe that might be a good chance for you as well... :(

BTW: Where do you come from? At first, I decided, that you're from Turkey, as you've had an internet connection from Ankara/TR, but due to your your posts I expect you to be anywhere in Bulgaria, do you...? :(

Best regards,


İ had been sick since 10 years but not at the moment. I tried out a lot of methods for psa for ex...acid retinoid but all results are negative. So my father had a patient like me he had used this theraphy as like as me and he is ok now. as a matter of fact he tell me and teach me how can i make this drug.(pomak tradition) Even he makes drug for psa patients for solicitation of our friends(about 50 patients since 1985) %99 of all are now ok. This is the reason how can i publish this drug. Its a kind of drug that is made by natural methods/traditional (hand made) difficult to prepare. So i can only make for countable patients. Meanwhile i sent 2 dose for 2 patients for try free to germany. if they would be o.k. i will be happy...

dear greeky

i said that im from turkey but my origin belongs to bulgaria than im a pomak as like as my nick. so i know bulgarian as well as my native language... (unimportant information)


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