Literatur, Videos und Studien zu Vitamin D bei Psoriasis und SARS-CoV-2
Bin eben auf eine interessante Veröffentlichung vom Juli 2011 zu Vitamin-D-Analoga bei Psoriasis gestoßen.
Zu den beschriebenen Analoga zählen: calcitriol, calcipotriol, tacalcitol, hexafluoro-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 und maxacalcitol . Siehe:
Vitamin D analogs in the treatment of psoriasis (
Vitamin D and analogs exert in the skin and other tissues potent effects on cellular differentiation and proliferation. Moreover, these compounds regulate apoptosis and exert immunomodulatory effects. During the last decades, it has convincingly been shown that vitamin D compounds are effective and safe in the topical treatment of psoriasis, where they nowadays represent a standard therapy. This review summarizes laboratory and clinical investigations related to the treatment of psoriasis with calcitriol or analogs. Additionally, promising concepts for the development of new vitamin D analogs are discussed. As a matter of fact, the final goal to create strong antiproliferative or antiinflammatory acting vitamin D analogs that exert only minor calcemic activity has not been reached until today. New agents that may activate selective vitamin D signalling pathways but may exert only negligible calcemic activity would declare a new era in dermatologic therapy and may also be effective in the topical or systemic treatment of various inflammatory skin diseases including atopic dermatitis and in various cutaneous malignancies, including lymphomas, squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma."
Stand 30.12.2020
Schützt Vitamin D vor einer Covid 19 Infektion? SWR Beitrag vom Nov 2020:
Kann Vitamin D vor Covid-19 schützen? - SWR Wissen
"Vitamin D Die Corona-Frage", Artikel aus DocCheck, Dez. 2020:
Vitamin D_ Die Corona-Frage - DocCheck.pdf
Video über Vitamin D 3 auf Youtube:
Vitamin-D-Mangel richtig erkennen und erfolgreich beheben | - Ratgeber - Gesundheit
Vitamin D3 und SARS-CoV-2:
SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates associated with circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels
Dekristol® 20.000 IE – off label und gefährlich? aus DAZ 2011, Nr. 39, S. 88, 29.09.2011
Dekristol® 20.000 IE – off label und gefährlich_ Dt Apotheker Zeitung 2011.pdf
"A pilot study assessing the effect of prolonged administration of high daily doses of vitamin D on the clinical course of vitiligo and psoriasis" 2013:
Studie zu hochdosiertem Vit D engl 2013 de-5-222.pdf
als pdf-Datei:
Die Original-Studie dazu:
The Clinical Effect of Oral Vitamin D2 Supplementation on Psoriasis Clinical Study 5237642.pdf
bearbeitet von GrBaer185
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